A fun-filled frolic into the world of sight loss (& art)
I'm an art historian. I live in the UK and I like to make art. I also have a degenerative eye condition that caused me to become registered as 'sight impaired' a couple of years ago - (admittedly not the best line to begin a light-hearted blog with, but stick with me, it gets funnier.)
The posts on this site are about gradual sight loss from my hazy perspective; what it is, how it happened, learning to live with it, continuing to make and study art ('cos you need a decent set of eyes to do that, don't you?).
And by the way, I'm talking about the kind of sight loss that effects every aspect of your life, including your ability to walk unscathed through a field full of cacti (what do you mean, that would never happen?). Also, it might be useful for anyone who’s going through a similar thing or for anyone who needs a laugh at someone else's expense (I'm kidding). It's not intended to be inspirational nor is it a self-help guide. These are the ordinary observations of a middle-aged woman who sees life (particularly the difficult stuff) as a never-ending source of comedy gold. And, as I said, take a read and don’t panic, a lot of it is actually hilarious.
Cloudlander: Definition - Someone living on the edge of sight (I made that up).
PS: If you have no idea what an art historian is (and let's be honest, not many people do), then check out my 'professional' blog here:
PPS: Little did I realise that I'd be adding other stuff to this site. So, if you're also interested in the social/cultural history of blindness, blindness in art & art history, the art that I make or reading other people's writing on blindness then I'll be adding more links to that when I get my shit together. For now, check out the links below.
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The posts on this site are about gradual sight loss from my hazy perspective; what it is, how it happened, learning to live with it, continuing to make and study art ('cos you need a decent set of eyes to do that, don't you?).
And by the way, I'm talking about the kind of sight loss that effects every aspect of your life, including your ability to walk unscathed through a field full of cacti (what do you mean, that would never happen?). Also, it might be useful for anyone who’s going through a similar thing or for anyone who needs a laugh at someone else's expense (I'm kidding). It's not intended to be inspirational nor is it a self-help guide. These are the ordinary observations of a middle-aged woman who sees life (particularly the difficult stuff) as a never-ending source of comedy gold. And, as I said, take a read and don’t panic, a lot of it is actually hilarious.
Cloudlander: Definition - Someone living on the edge of sight (I made that up).
PS: If you have no idea what an art historian is (and let's be honest, not many people do), then check out my 'professional' blog here:
PPS: Little did I realise that I'd be adding other stuff to this site. So, if you're also interested in the social/cultural history of blindness, blindness in art & art history, the art that I make or reading other people's writing on blindness then I'll be adding more links to that when I get my shit together. For now, check out the links below.
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Posts About My Sight Loss
"That's Not the Cat, it's a Black Bin Bag" or Seeing is Not Always Believing
Indiana Jones & the Spectacles of Doom or In the Beginning
"I've Never Been to Scunthorpe Before" or The Semi-Detached Retina
Red Right Hand or The Macula Vernacular
Posts About Cane Training
"You Think I Need What?!" or Cane Training 101
Take a Walk on the Wild Side or Cane Training 102 (Part 1)
Take a Walk on the Wild Side or Cane Training 102 (Part Deux)
Posts About Everything Else (Including 'Being Generally Annoyed'
Can't Tell Your Manet from Your Monet? or Navigating Inaccessible Art Galleries with Sight Loss
a fun-filled frolic into the world of sight loss (& art)
© 2021-2024